Nothing is Impossible...

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”  

(Luke 1:37) 

Try this. Lift your right foot off the ground and begin circling it in a clockwise direction. While you continue to move your foot in circles, draw a six with your finger in the air two times. Did your foot change direction? For most people it is impossible for your foot to be moving clockwise while your finger is moving counterclockwise, which happens when you draw the number six. Was that true for you? Here is a simpler experiment. Stick out your tongue and try and touch it to your nose. Can you do it? Ask a friend or family member to try. Can they do it?  

These are silly things that are impossible for most of us to do. They make us laugh as we try to do them. However, there are other things in our lives that are not silly but are equally impossible for us. There are some things we just cannot do. For us they are impossible.  

When you face things that are impossible it can bring up many questions. What will happen if we cannot make ends meet? Will my wayward child ever come back to the Lord? Will I always be alone? Will I get better? What if my friend or family member never comes to know Jesus? These questions can turn to hopelessness. But that hopelessness is a result of looking at the impossible situation rather than at the God of impossibilities. Our God is not limited by the realities of a situation. 

The passage of Scripture above is quoted from the book of Luke, but they are the words of Mary the mother of Jesus. Mary was an unwed teenaged virgin when an angel came to her with a message. If a visit from an angel was not shocking enough, the message the angel brought certainly was. In fact, the angel's message seemed completely impossible. Mary was to have a son! And not just a son but this child would become the savior of the world. When the angel told her what would happen he reminded her of a crucial truth. “Nothing will be impossible with God.” This is a reminder we all need at various times of our lives; not in the times when we are trying to touch our nose with our tongue, but on those days when God’s promises seem impossible. When your situation feels beyond repair, when a heart seems as cold as ice, when you cannot imagine things turning around, remember this truth: “Nothing will be impossible with God.”

Whatever God has promised will happen. Even if his plans are not what we expect, he promises to work all things for our good (Romans 8:28-29). What feels impossible in your life right now? Trust God with your impossibilities.  Nothing is too difficult for him. He will either make it happen or give you all that is needed to endure.


"I didn't plan on dying today." Unexpected lessons from Psalm 46:10


Raising Emotional Healthy Ministry Kids